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artsmiles Cosmetic Dentist Gold Coast presents

Anti-Ageing Dentistry

anti-ageing dentistry woman smiling

The Ageing Process in a Smile

Some people may not realise the impact a stained, yellow or narrow smile, broken or worn down teeth can have on their appearance.
Anti-Ageing Dentistry provides dramatic results that can be obtained through teeth whitening, porcelain veneers and crowns, and dental implants to replace cracked, crooked and worn down teeth. These methods and more are utilised by ArtSmiles Cosmetic Dentist Gold Coast – Dr. Cristian Dunker to give his happy patients the youth-restoring benefits of Anti-Ageing Dentistry.

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation Today!

or call us on (07) 5588-3677

Here are some of Dr. Cristian's patients who have
experienced wonderful Anti-Ageing Dentistry results...

Art in Smiles Anti-Aging Meet John 5

A New Life with Anti-Aging Dentistry

new smile, new life.

Meet John

This is John*, one of Dr. Cristian’s first patients to receive comprehensive ArtSmiles Dentist Southport Anti-Ageing treatment. John has had a past of grinding during young adulthood, and severely worn down teeth can be seen in his smile. The proposal of increasing the bite and executing a new set of front veneers, John has got a new life, looking many years younger!
*Not real name due to patient’s privacy
no more cracked fillings

Meet Ana

Ana* had the following complaint in her first appointment: 
“I came here today to fix this frontal filling, which has been done several times but is always falling off. I think my former cosmetic dentist Gold Coast was not using good material…
After explaining that the cause for such quantity of cracks and broken down teeth were not related to inferior material, but a reduced bite, Ana decided to go with the Anti-Aging Dentistry, increasing her bite and doing several procedures to restore her smile. She was amazed with the results. Wouldn’t you as well?
*Not real name due to patient’s privacy
cosmetic dentist gold coast

A Life of Cracked fillings

Health Funds Accepted

We accept virtually any health funds for eligible patients.

* ArtSmiles accepts all major health funds available in Australia, and you would only need to bring your health fund card to claim your treatment on the spot by swiping it in our Hicaps terminal. We also accept international insurances, which may or may not allow claims to be processed on our end. We are happy to help if necessary. To make medicare patients who are entitled to the benefits of the Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) and the Child Benefit Schedule (CBDS) life’s easier, we offer bulk bill. You should bring your Medicare card to every appointment and we will make sure to check your balance before proceeding with treatment. In the event that a gap must be payed, we will also advise before proceeding with treatment.

Schedule a Visit Today!

or call us on (07) 5588-3677